January 14, 2014

What I Know Now: Single Ladies, You Don’t Have to Marry Them!

(Originally posted by Joy Eggerichs at Love and Respect Now blog ~ reposted with enthusiastic permission!)
In light of one of the themes behind The Illumination Project—the importance of seeking counsel—I’ve brought in the ‘rents to talk all things wisdom.
They are, after all, older and wiser.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some interviews I did with my mom and pop about what they would tell themselves at different stages of their lives—as singles, as newlyweds, as new parents.
And today is your lucky day, because today my mom and I are throwin’ it back to when she was single and ready to mingle. So all the single ladies, listen up as Mama E talks respect, mean girls, and getting married after the first date.
Okay, maybe not that last one.

(Can’t see the video? Click HERE.)

Want to know what Emerson had to say about being single? Check it out HERE.



Gals, do you feel pressure to marry a guy if you date them? How can we be more open and free in dating?
Guys, what does respect look like to you personally?
Any more advice we can give our single ladies?

(Originally posted by Joy Eggerichs at Love and Respect Now blog ~ reposted with enthusiastic permission!)

1 comment:

  1. Figure out who you are and what you want from life before you commit to a guy...whether in dating or marriage. Once the honeymoon stage is over, you're going to have to like yourself...and feel comfortable doing the things you love (don't give up what you love b/c you think your spouse would rather do something else...we can learn from each other and gain experience by doing things with our partner that they love but that we wouldn't necessarily do ourselves). Marriage makes you a team, but you should not lose your identity.


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