November 5, 2013

It's like "Love & Respect" had kids!

IT'S HERE!! The Bible commands love and respect between parent and child (Exodus 20:12, Titus 2:4), just as it teaches love and respect between a husband and wife (Ephesians 5:33).

Love and Respect in the Family: The Respect Parents Desire, The Love Children Need is packed full of completely new content....cover to cover.  It is the book people have been asking me to write for years.  In essence, when they feel unloved, children react to parents in ways that feel disrespectful. When feeling disrespected, parents react to children in ways that feel unloving. Neither premeditate this negative reaction, but this is how each appears to the other and round and round it goes. It's called the Family Crazy Cycle and this book helps families jump off of it.

How is it different than other books on parenting?

The fact that my own adult children speak into the content sets it apart, and that I've waited 35 years to write it makes this unlike other parenting books out there.  Also, because of the trauma of my own upbringing, I bring a different perspective than other authors that may have had a more idyllic childhood.  This book includes the perspectives of both Sarah and me, as well as our three children, Jonathan, David, and Joy.

This book seeks to answer what the Bible says to parents. If parents read and apply the principles in Love & Respect in the Family, they will be able to stop the crazy cycle of family conflict and begin to energize their children.  

The book:
  • Explains volumes of information about family dynamics for the lay person
  • Provides a simple plan for parents to follow
  • Validates the parent's need for respect - particularly the father
  • Explains how to deal with the feeling of being disrespected
  • Explains the mindset of a child: children are typically not trying to be disrespectful, but often are immature, selfish, or irresponsible
  • Explains the child's need for love and how to meet that need
  • Shows the parent how to love when feeling disrespected
  • Reveals the foundational reason to parent: to hear Christ say, "Well done!"
  • Begins and ends with what the Bible says about parenting instead of using the Bible to justify what we want to say psychologically and sociologically
  • Is "father friendly," which mothers love
  • Is both parent and child-focused

With the best of my ability, when it comes to the Biblical topic of parenting, I have tried to be an ambassador for the kingdom of Christ. I believe that as a pastor and teacher, I have a responsibility to rightly represent Christ's platform when it comes to marriage and parenting. I know that I have to give an account before Him on that final day, and I'm very aware of the fact that the apostle James says that those who teach will receive a stricter judgment. This is less about writing a bestseller and more about rightly representing the heart of Christ to parents. I happen to believe that when we honor Him, He will honor us.


Once you've read the book, would you be so kind as to post your review on Amazon.comReviews will help get this important message out.

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