November 21, 2012

How Thankful Are You?

“Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 
1 Thessalonians 5:18, NASB

I’m guessing that husbands or wives reading this will have different answers to the question, “How thankful are you for your spouse?” You may be one of those who have to admit that you are fixated on the negatives in your spouse. You may have a problem with the way God designed him or her. You didn’t bargain on getting someone who is so different from you.

But to remain unthankful for your spouse because you two are “so different” is a sure way to get on the Crazy Cycle! And a lack of gratitude for your spouse will not be any help in getting off.

Or you may be one of those husbands or wives who believe you have good reason to not be thankful for your spouse – at least right now – because your spouse is just plain undeserving of any thanks.

I often tell husbands or wives who are stuck in negativity to make me a list of 10 positive things about their spouse. When we are locked into a negative mindset, it’s pretty difficult to see the light. Despair and hopelessness can overcome us. “He/she will never change! I am doomed in this miserable marriage forever!”

But things are rarely this bad. After all, you married your spouse, and unless it was an arranged marriage, you chose the person you married. Isn’t there something of redeeming value left in the person you were so in love with? If you look hard enough, I guarantee you will find something that you can put on your list of positives.

Often people are surprised at how easy this is to do once they flip the switch from the negative to the positive.

That’s because being thankful has more to do with us than it does with our spouse.

Thankful people find things to be thankful for, even when things are not going well.

Don’t try to be thankful in your own power. Instead pray, “Lord, because I love You, I am asking You to make me a thankful person because my ultimate goal is to please You. Help me to be obedient to your command to be thankful in everything, even my marriage.”

This Thanksgiving, would you consider making your list of 10 positive things about your spouse? You might even decide to give your list to your husband or wife on Thanksgiving Day! I know the Lord will bless you as you “give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Have a thankful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I'am very agree with you even we are different religion :)

    When happiness will came to us if we just always think of what does not exist, but ignore what has been held without a sense of gratitude?

    Be gratefull to God
    Everything will be better

    Thanks Emerson, It's nice post in Friday :)


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