December 21, 2011

Peace, Good Will Toward Men...

Glory to God in the Highest, 
and on Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men!  
Luke 2:14

We hear this beautiful verse over and over during the Christmas season.  But a few days ago we received an email that expressed how one couple experienced peace and good will in their home.  What a blessing to read this man’s “glory to God” story!  Our desire is that all of you will experience peace and good will in your homes this Christmas seasonthat you may say, “Glory to God in the Highest!” 

At this time of year we are entering a season noted for promoting peace on earth, good will towards men. Having been a student of yours through the Love and Respect DVD series I just wanted to say thank you! Within the church, Christians are experiencing a divorce rate that equals that of the world. I wonder what those folks that find divorce as their way out would think about peace on earth? I wonder what they would gladly give to find peace at home? Forget about the world, how about just here in my corner of the world?
 Your DVD series has brought just that to our home. Something as simple as different, not wrong has made a change in both my wife and I that I will continue to be amazed at. There is so much peace here at home that I was thinking of starting an argument just so we could kiss and make up. It has been many months since we went to sleep in a huff with our backs to each other. Our lives have been transformed by your message of Love and Respect.
 I know that you and I will celebrate this Christmas season because of the birth of our Savior and the message he brought to us that when we confess faith in Christ, it changes our relationship between our Heavenly Father and ourselves. It changes a relationship of enmity to one of love and good will. It was one of those things that I never thought about. At different times I know I doubted my spouse’s good will towards me. But now that I have seen and recognize her constant and continuous good will towards me I wonder how I could have missed it at all?
 People whom I have never met came into our home, taught us about marriage and changed our lives. They brought peace into our home, and allowed me to recognize the good will of my spouse. What a blessing you have been to my family. Your message of Love and Respect has allowed us to experience peace and good will every day of our lives, not just during the Holidays.
 Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you and yours this holiday season.

To all of you who have helped us get this message to the world, we say “Thank You!”  We are honored to partner with you to save marriages.

Merry Christmas from Emerson & Sarah!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dr Emerson

    I recently purchased your book and I also bought one for my brother-in-law and his wife as they almost split up earlier this year.

    I plan on reading it with my husband in the coming new year but I have already begun to implement some of your principles and I can see such a difference.

    I just wanted to say a big 'Thank You' for all that you do for couples and to wish you and your lovely family a happy, holy and peaceful Christmas and all God's blessings for the new year.

    May God bless you abundantly.


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