March 15, 2011

An Interview With Dr. E {Part 2 of 5}

"It is more likely that a husband's love will motivate his wife's respect than his hate will. And it is more likely that a wife's respect will motivate her husband's love than her contempt will. However, there is no guarantee that love or respect will motivate, and that is the reason the word unconditional must be put in front of Love and Respect. In fact, the paradox is that Love and Respect can only really work if it is unconditional."

{Dr. Emerson Eggerichs}
p. 158-159

Here is Part 2 where Dr. Eggerichs talks about how many women view Respect and what the "Issue" is when the issue isn't the "Issue".

Clip courtesy of KKHT Radio
Interview date: 17 February 2011

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